Filla Social

Make social plans with ease

Now Available

Plan With Ease

Want to avoid group chats and email chains? Invite your favorite trash talkers and ringers to fill your golf foursome without all the back & forth.

Fill Your Event

With primary and secondary invitees, your best buds get first dibs on joining your golf match while Filla invites your backups to fill open spots.

Discover + Join

Don’t know what to do this weekend? How about this afternoon? Get event suggestions when you are free with friends you like.

Get Connected

Want to get out and play but don’t know who is available? Your feed includes golf games and tennis matches hosted by your friends with open spots left.

Changes Happen

Did someone drop from your tennis match last minute? Filla automatically invites attendees the host had previously invited to fill the spot.

Stay in the Loop

Get notified when your event is approaching and when invitees have declined or accepted their invites.